to protect and preserve the rural culture and lifestyle of the Rural Neighborhood Preservation lands
registered domestic nonprofit under NRS Chapter 82
Nevada Revised Statutes
The State of Nevada has written statutes that establish the legal parameters for the local ordinances and codes. Understanding the Nevada Revised Statutes and the Administrative Codes are essential to knowing the rights and privileges that are granted to the property owners living within the Rural Preservation Areas, such as ours. This link will provide some added understanding.
The 2023 State Legislature has passed revised Bills which impact to the Rural Neighborhood Preservation areas of Clark County. Assembly Bill 213 and Assembly Bill 220 both had significant revisions that protected the enduring nature of the RNP areas statewide and removed the mandated septic to sewer conversions initially proposed. Through this process, SNWA has created a three option program from property owners who seek to make conversion, each has funding but at different amounts and limitation. You can find out more by reading this file and by asking questions using this link.
Clark County Comprehensive Master Plan
Created in 1978, the Clark County Comprehensive Master Plan is a long-term planning document that addresses multiple layers of growth and development. Within the Plan are "elements," each focusing on different portions of Clark County. To comply with NRS 278.160, the plan as a "living" document continues to shape and guide growth in the Las Vegas Valley.
TransformClarkCounty has been a lengthy process. It has completed multiple revisions, condensed language, and addressed the complexity of both finding and reading code and ordinance information, and made considerable updates. Use this link to see the full document.
Streets and highways are always transforming the rural area, and this link will guide you to current designs and projects within our immediate area.
Seeing Orange link for road projects valley-wide
Lone Mountain Land Use Plan
In the northwest portion of Clark County, there exists the Lone Mountain/Centennial Hills where approximately 30 square miles are within the Rural Neighborhood Preservation land use category. These properties have protections provided by NRS 278 and many Clark County local ordinances under Title 30 Development Code. You can learn more using these links for the Plan and Title 30.
City of Las Vegas Master Plan
City of Las Vegas has many plan documents that guide development throughout the valley. One such plan is the Land Use & Rural Neighborhoods Preservation Element 2020. Being that our association includes some of this same property area, it is useful to have this document available. As with each plan document, it is periodically amended and redrafted. This link is the current one.
One of the latest features that City has redesigned and released is their Zoning Interactive Map with multiple layers of information available. Check it out using this link.
The City of Las Vegas 2050 Master Plan was completed July 2021.
Both Clark County District C and City of Las Vegas Ward 6 distribute Newsletters that highlight many areas of activity within the general boundary of the Association. If you wish to sign up for either Newsletter, click the appropriate link below.
Clark County District Newsletters link indicate District
City of Las Vegas Ward 4 Newsletter link
City of Las Vegas Ward 6 Newsletter link
Interlocal Agreement
Beginning in January 2002, the creation of the Interlocal Agreement between Clark County and City of Las Vegas, along with supporting infrastructure services, produced a long-term plan to protect the Rural Preservation Area as future development growth moved into the northwest part of the valley. Geographic boundaries were established, services and long-term planning were provided, annexation provisions were determined, streets and highways were further defined, open space, parks and trails were also adopted. Using this link, you can read the current agreement and see map of the Agreement area.
Contacting Your Public Officials
Clark County Commissioner April Becker, District C
click here for email
executive assistant, Chloe Murray
contact email 702-455-4901
community liaison, Michelle Baert
contact email 702-455-5882
City of Las Vegas Councilman Frances Allen-Palenske, Ward 4
click here for email
main office contact: 702-229-2524
City of Las Vegas Councilwoman Nancy Brune, Ward 6
click here for email
main office contact: 702-229-5463